Professor Sally Tomlinson PhD FRSA |
| Books | Articles & Blogs | Papers to
Conferences | Research Reports | Television
& Talks |HOME |
2023 |
(with Stacey Hewitt) Disabilty, Education and Work in a Global Knowledge Economy in (eds) Pettinichio, D., Maroto, M., Brown, R. The Oxford Handbook of Disability Oxford. Oxford University Press |
"Foreword" Thomas, G. and Loxley, A. Deconstructing Special Education (3rd Edition) Berkshire. Open University Press/McGraw-Hill |
2021 |
A Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education: Insights from
the UK, US, Germany and Finland in (eds) Kopfer. A., Powell, J., Zahnd, R. International
Handbook of Inclusive Education: Global, National and Local Perspectives (Handbuch
Inklusion Internationale und Locale: Perspektiven auf Inklusion Bildung) Oplade and
Toronto. Verlag Barbara Budrich |
2021 |
and the end of Empire in (eds) Cope, Z. and Ness, I The Palgrave Encyclopedia of
Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism Dortrecht. Springer. 21st February |
Online |
and the end of Empire in (eds) Cope, Z. and Ness, I The Palgrave Encyclopedia of
Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-319-91206-6 |
2019 |
"A Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education" in (ed) Schuelka,
M.J., Johnstone, C.J,, Thomas G, and Alfredo, J. Artiles The Sage Handbook of Inclusion
and Diversity in Education London. Sage ISBN 978-1-5264-3555-2 |
2019 |
in Epstein, R., Brown, G., OFlynn, S. Prosecuting Parents For Truancy: who pays
the price? Coventry. University of Coventry Law School. |
2018 |
in Slee, R. Inclusive Education Isnt Dead, It Just Smells Funny Abingdon, Oxon. Routledge Focus. pp. xii
xiv ISBN 978-1-138-59761-7 |
2018 |
Education and ethnic minority young people in England: Continuing Issues" in (Ed)
Sheila Riddell Special Education and globalisation London and New York Routledge |
2017 |
"Low Attainers
In a Global Knowledge Economy" in (eds) Battro, A.M., Léna, P., Sorondo, M.S., and
Joachim, von Braun Children and Sustainable Development: Ecological Education in a
Globalized World Dortrecht. Springer. pp 127-140 ISBN 978 3 319 47129 7 (hb) ISBN 978
3 319 47130 3 (eb) |
2016 |
Class, Ability and School Reform in (eds) Connor, D.J., Ferri, B.A. and Annamma,
S.A. DisCrit : Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education New York.
Teachers College Press. pp 157-166 ISBN 978-0-8077-5667-6 |
2015 |
British Values" in (eds) Alexander, C., Weekes-Bernard, D., Arday, J. The
Runnymede School Report. Race, Education and Inequality in Contemporary Britain
London. Creative Commons |
2012 |
Education in the United Kingdom" in (ed) James A. Banks Encyclopedia of Diversity
in Education SAGE Publications Inc. pp 121-133 ISBN 9781412981521 |
2011 |
Class, and Schooling: Education, Policy, School Time, and the Labor Market in Post-1945
Britain in (eds) Hagemann, K., Jarausch, K. and Allemann-Ghionda, C. Children,
Families, and States New York. Oxford.
Berghahn Books pp 257274 ISBN 0857450964/0857450968 |
2010 |
Global Wirtschaft, Minderheiten und Bildung in (eds)
Amos, S.K., Meseth, W., Proske, M. Offentliche Eerziehung Revisited Wiesbaden. VS Verlag pp175194 |
2009 |
und bildungspolitische dynamik in
GrossBritannien in(eds) Sara Furstenau and Mechtild Gomolla Migration und schulister Wandel, Elternbeteiligung Wiesbaden. VS Verlag pp 161180 |
2009 |
et Justice sociale dans une societie de lapres Letat-Providence in (eds)
Jean-Louis Derouet and Marie-Claude Derouet-Besson Repenser
la justice dans le domaine de leducation et de la formation Berne. Peter
Lang pp 171186 |
2009 |
Education in the United Kingdom in (ed)
James Banks The Routledge International
Companion to Multicultural Education London
and New York. Routledge pp 121133 |
2008 |
etnicidad y educación en Inglaterra: política y práctica in (eds) Miquel Àngel
Alegre and Joan Subirats Educación e inmigración: nuevos retos para España en una
perspectiva comparada Madrid, Centro de
Investigaciones Sociológicas.pp 205220 |
2007 |
Assessment in a Post-Welfare U.K. Society in (ed) Sleeter, C.E. Facing
Accountability in Education : Democracy and Equity at Risk New York. Teachers
College Press, Columbia University pp
172187 |
2007 |
school selection and minority ethnic groups in Fair enough? School admissions
the next steps London.
Comprehensive Future pp1618 |
2006 |
Tony Edwards) Selection, Diversity and Inequality in Secondary Education in (eds) Hewlett, M., Pring, R., and Tulloch, M. Comprehensive Education : Evolution,
achievement and new directions Northampton.
Northampton University Press pp 121138 |
2005 |
Needs of Special Education in (ed) Ted Wragg Letters
to the Prime Minister London. New Vision Group. pp 6469 |
2005 |
Tribute to Bernard Coard in (ed) Richardson, B. TELL IT LIKE IT IS : How our
schools fail Black children Stoke on
Trent. Trentham Books. pp 8283 |
2004 |
in Britain : Educational Challenges and Changes in (ed) Luchtenberg, S. Migration,
Education and Change London. RoutledgeFalmer. pp 86102 |
2004 |
Rise of the Meritocracy? New Labour and Education in a Second Term in (eds) Ellison,
N., Bauld, L., Powell, M. Social Policy Review 16 : Analysis and Debate in Social
Policy 2004 Bristol. Policy Press. pp 6180 |
2004 |
Success, Bog-standard Government in
(eds) Benn, M., and Chitty, C. Education
for Democracy : A Tribute to Caroline Benn London. Continuum Press. pp 5975 |
2004 |
and Special Education in (ed) Ware, L. Ideology and the Politics of (In)
Exclusion New York. Peter Lang. pp7688 |
2004 |
Minorities and Education, New
Disadvantages in (ed) Goulbourne, H. Race and Ethnicity in the Contemporary World
Vol 4 London. Routledge. Reprinted from (ed) Cox, T 2000 Combatting
Educational Disadvantage : Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Children London. Falmer. |
2003 |
management in the interest of all pupils in (eds) Smekal, V., Gray, H., and Lewis,
C.A. Together We Will Learn : Ethnic Minorities and Education |
2003 |
Mue Vedení koly Reit
Potreby Vech Detí ? in Czech Edition (ed) Smekal, V. Podpora Optimálního
Rozvoje Osobnosti Detí Z
Prostredí Minorit Brno. Czech Republic. pp141146 |
2002 |
in Madan Jha Schools Without Walls:
Education for All |
2002 |
Links in (eds) Moon B and Shelton-Mays A. Teaching,
Learning and Professionalism in Secondary Schools
London. Falmer. Reprinted from Best P
and Lang P (eds) 1995 Pastoral Care and
Personal Social Education London. Cassel. |
2001 |
Success, Could Do Better: Education and Race 19762000 in (eds) Phillips R and
Furlong J. Education, Reform and the
State: Twenty-five Years of Politics, Policy and Practice London. Routledge.
pp 192206 |
2000 |
Minorities and Education: New Disadvantages in (ed) Cox, T. Combatting
Educational Disadvantage: Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Children London. Falmer
Press pp. 1736 |
2000 |
wirken sich Bildungsmarkte auf ethnische Minderheiten aus? in (eds) Frank-Olaf Radtke and Manfred Weiss. Schulautonomie, Wohlfahrtssaat und
Chancelengleichheit Opladen. Leske and
Budrich. pp 221224 |
1999` |
the Middle Classes and the Common Good in (eds)
Daniels, H. and Garner, P. World Yearbook
of Education 1999. Inclusive Education London. Kogan Page pp 238251 |
1999 |
Situation of Foreign Immigrants in the United Kingdom in (ed) |
1998 |
Tale of One School in One City: Hackney Downs in (eds) Slee, R., Weiner, G. and
Tomlinson, S. School Effectiveness for
Whom? London. Falmer Press pp 157169 |
1997 |
Comprehensive 14-19 Curriculum in (eds) Pring, R. and Walford, G. Affirming the Comprehensive Ideal London. Falmer Press pp 109118 |
1997 |
Views of the 14-19 Curriculum in (ed) Tomlinson, S.
1997 |
14-19 : Divided and Divisive in (ed) Tomlinson, S.
1997 |
Troyna as enlightened rationalist in (eds) Sikes,
P. and Rizvi, F. Researching Race and Justice in Education Stoke-on-Trent. Trentham Books. pp. 2434 |
1996 |
Education for a Multicultural Britain in (ed) Craft, M. Teacher Education in Plural Societies: An
International Perspective London. |
1996 |
Minorities, Citizenship and Education in (eds) Demaine, J. and Entwistle, N. Beyond Communitarianism: Citizenship,
Politics and Education London. MacMillan. pp 114130 |
1996 |
and Dilemmas for Professionals in Special Education in (eds) Christensen, C., Rizvi, F. and Hayes, A. Disability and Dilemmas of Education and
Justice Milton Keynes. Open
University Press. pp 175186 |
1995 |
Radical-Structural Paradigm: Unpopular Perspectives on the Origins and Development of
Special Education in (ed) Skrtic, T.S. Disability
and Democracy - Reconstructing Special Education for Post Modernity New York. Teachers College Press. pp 122134 |
1995 |
Links in (eds) Best, R., Lang, P. et al. Pastoral
Care and Personal-Social Education: Entitlement and Provision London. Cassell.
1993 |
Minorities: Involved Partners or Problem Parents? in (ed) Munn, P. Parents and
Schools: Customers, Managers or Partners Routledge.
1993 |
Multicultural Task Group: The Group That Never Was in (ed) King, A. and Reis, M. The Multicultural Dimension of the National
Curriculum |
1992 |
Assessment and the School Effect in (eds) Lynch, J., Modgil, C. and Modgil, S. Cultural Diversity and the Schools. Consensus
and Controversy Falmer Press. pp
389400 |
1992 |
and Minorities in (eds) Jones, N. and Jones, E.
Citizenship and the School Curriculum Kogan
Page. pp 3550 |
1992 |
Que Johnny No Puede Leer? Teoria Critica y Educacion Especial in (ed) Carmen Garcia
Pastor. La Investigacion Sobra La
Integracion Salamanca. Amaru Ediciones. pp
3146 |
1991 |
School Partnerships in Teachers and Parents
Education and Training Paper No.7. London. Institute for Public Policy Research. pp 318 |
1991 |
A. Ross) Routes to Teaching: Opening up the Pathways in Teachers and
Parents, Education and Training Paper No. 7. London. Institute for Public Policy
Research. pp 1935 |
1990 |
Relations and the Urban Context in (eds) Verma, G.K. and Pumphrey, P.D. Race Relations and Urban Education: Promising
Practices Falmer Press. pp 1322 |
1990 |
Children with Special Needs: A Broad Perspective in (ed) Orton, C. Asian Children
and Special Needs London. Advisory Centre for Education. pp 38 |
1989 |
Origins of the Ethnocentric Curriculum in (ed) Verma, G.K. |
1989 |
for Multiculturalism in (eds) McClelland, V.A. and Varma, V.P. |
1989 |
Expansion of Special Education re-printed in (eds) Cosin, B., Flude, M. and Hales,
M. Schools, Work and Equality Open
University. pp 195205 |
1989 |
and Educational Achievement in England in (eds) Van Den Berg-Eldering, L. and
Kloprogge, J. Different Cultures: Same
Schools |
1989 |
An Effective Multicultural Education for Britain in (eds) Yogev, A. and Tomlinson,
S. Affirmative Action and Positive
Policies in the Education of Ethnic Minorities
JAI Press Connecticut. USA. pp 3146 |
1989 |
Schools and Their Effects in (ed) Moon, B. Judging
Standards |
1988 |
de la Integracion en Inglaterra in Journadas De Integracion en Murcia Universida de Murcia. Murcia. Spain. pp
1126 |
1987 |
Option Choice in Multi-Ethnic Schools in (ed) Troyna, B. |
1987 |
an Effective Multi-Cultural Education for 21st Century Britain - An Agenda For
Action! in (ed) Mebrahtu, T. Swann
and the Global Dimension Youth Education Service. London. pp 95100 |
1987 |
Minority Children in Special Education chapter re-printed in (eds) Cohen, L. and
Cohen, A. Disruptive Pupils - A
Source-Book for Teachers London. Harper and
Row. |
1987 |
School and Community in (ed) Bastiani, J. Parents
and Teacher I: Perspectives on Home and
School Relations NFER-Nelson. Slough |
1986 |
Achievement and Ethnicity in (eds) Modgil, S. and Verma, G.K. Multi-Cultural Education - The Interminable
Debate Falmer Press. pp 181194 |
1986 |
Minority Achievement and Equality of Opportunity
Booklet for the Training the Trainers courses. Teacher Education in a
Multi-Cultural Society. University of Nottingham. pp 30 |
1986 |
Dilemmas in Multi-Racial Education in (ed) Layton-Henry, Z. |
1986 |
Educational Needs in (eds) Hartnett, A. and Nash, M. |
1986 |
Social Construction of the ESN-M Child in (eds) Cohen, A. and Cohen, L. Special Educational Needs in the Ordinary
School - A Source-book for Teachers Harper.
pp 241259 |
1986 |
Politics of Integration and The
Expansion of Special Education in (eds) Cohen, A. and Cohen, L. Special Educational Needs in the Ordinary
School - A Source-book for Teachers Harper.
pp 3753 and pp 260271 |
1986 |
Parents Views of Education in (eds) Cohen, L. and Cohen, A. Multi-Cultural
Education: A Source-book for Teachers Harper.
pp 274290 |
1986 |
Black Education Movement in (eds) Arnot, M. Race
and Gender, |
1984 |
School and Community in (ed) Craft, M. Education and Cultural Pluralism Falmer Press. pp 143160 |
1984 |
English Conurbations: Multi-Ethnic Groups in England in (ed) |
1984 |
L. Barton) The Politics of Integration in (eds) Barton, L. and Tomlinson, S. Special Education and Social Interests Croom Helm.
pp 6580 |
1983 |
Women in Higher Education. Case studies of University Women in Britain in (ed)
Barton, L. and Walker, S. Race, Class and
Education Croom Helm. pp 6680 |
1983 |
Class and Education - A Bibliography in (eds) Barton, L. and Walker, S. Race, Class and Education Croom Helm. pp 211233 |
1982 |
Responses of the English Education System to the Children of Immigrant Parentage in
(ed) Bagley-Marrett, C. and Leggon, C. Research
in Race and Ethnic Relations JAI Press. Connecticut. USA. pp 2948 |
1982 |
Case of Non-Achievement. West Indians and ESN-M Schooling in (ed) Verma, G.K. and
Bagley, C. Self-Concept, Achievement
and Education MacMillan. pp 98106 |
1981 |
and ESN-M Children in (ed) Swann, W. The
Practice of Special Education Blackwell
(in association with the Open University) |
1981 |
Research Context in (ed) Craft, M. Teaching
in a Multi-Cultural Society Falmer Press. pp
5572 |
1981 |
Educational Performance of Ethnic Minority Children in (ed) Jeffcoate, R. and James,
A. The School in the Multi-Cultural Society Harper
and Row. pp 294213 |
1981 |
Social Construction of the ESN-M Child in (eds) Barton, L. and Tomlinson, S. Special Education: Policies, Practices and
Social Issues Harper and Row. pp 194213 |
1980 |
Minority Parents and Education in (eds) Craft, M., Raynor, J., and Cohen, L. Linking Home and School (3rd edition) Harper and Row. pp 186200 |
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